Sensor Instruments
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Product marking and product tracking

18 August 2023
   Perfect monitoring of the SOLA spirit level supply chain. And that from pellet to pellet!

What is the best way to monitor my product throughout its life cycle?
The digital product passport from R-Cycle, DPP for short, provides an excellent basis for this task. The product and recycling-relevant data can be queried in a simple manner using the DPP. The DPP can be opened with two different codes: a QR code or a digital watermark. Both can either be applied to the product as sleeves or labels or lasered into the injection mould as a 3D code.
Digital watermarks are considered copy-proof, whereas a QR code is easy to imitate. Nevertheless, a QR code can be classified as 'safe’ in combination with the TAGTEC masterbatches from Gabriel-Chemie. The TAGTEC masterbatches from Gabriel-Chemie contain a rich selection of different light-stimulable markers that can be detected using special optical sensor technology from Sensor Instruments. TAGTEC-marked products have proven to be forgery-proof, especially when used in combination with the features provided by a DPP, thereby providing very robust and reliable supply chain monitoring.


22 August 2022 
Specialist article on Kunststoffe International 06/2022
(Category: Materials - Additives)
   Luminous Markers instead of
          Holy Grail

Improved Sorting of Plastic Waste with Luminescent Pigments
The HolyGrail 2.0 Initiative aims to improve the sorting of plastic waste. For this purpose, digital watermarks containing information on packaging type, material, and usage will be applied on products. However, the method also has certain drawbacks. Here, luminescent pigments provide an alternative that is permanent and can withstand several processing cycles.
► Specialist article (pdf)
► Specialist articel on

   Imaging systems LUMI-STAR-INLINE
   Inline detectors LUMI-TAU-INLINE

7 May 2020
  Optical INLINE sensors in plastics production and recycling

A range of initiatives and technical solutions have been developed to improve the sorting of plastics and thereby increasing the recycling quota. A number of procedures use near infra-red procedures to differentiate between the base materials of plastics; others apply codes to enable the sorting and traceability of plastic packaging.
Sensor Instruments and GABRIEL-CHEMIE have combined to develop a new technology which integrates a machine-readable signature in a range of plastic materials.
► Press release (pdf)
► Press release (Word/pdf)

    Marking and precise authenthication of plastic

    Taggant Technology TAGTEC  

14 October 2019
  Tracking the Invisible

Inline Detectors Offer a new Method of Component Marking
In the course of a comprehensive digitisation of industrial production and processes (keyword: Industry 4.0) a new method of marking manufactured components now offers previously undreamed-of possibilities. By way of an individual marking (a random distribution of fluorescent particles on the object surface or in the object matrix) a virtual key can be generated and can be used to save product-relevant data e.g. on the server (or in the cloud). Due to the random distribution of these fluorescent particles this "star code" represents a kind of "digital fingerprint". Already a few particles in the viewing field are sufficient to guarantee safe and robust recognition, with little required memory space per code.
► Press release
► Press release (Word/pdf)


    LUMI Series  


We welcome our new sales partner for the United States of America:


Participation at trade fairs:

 •   PRS Middle East & Africa 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
Europe 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Press releases:

Determination of layer thicknesses between and on plastic films
(MIR transmitted light measurement)

Spray jet control in reflected light mode
(Measurement of the lowest spray quantities in the Ex area)



  Sensor systems for the plastics recycling industry
Color measurement of recyclates



Specialists article:

  Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics
Plastics Insights 3/2024




Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology



Detection of dents and bumps on metal punching strips
(N° 801)
Differentiation of leather, fabric and synthetic interior components
(N° 802)
Plastic cap color measurement
(N° 803)


... surface tension?
... oil evaporation?
... oil layer thickness


Software news:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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