Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Exemplos prácticos de uso industrial

1) Selecione uma área de aplicação:
    Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie)

2) Selecione um idioma:

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APP N° 802

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия между кожаными, текстильными и синтетическими компонентами салона автомобиля
Необходимо различить кожаные, текстильные и пластиковые компоненты салона автомобиля.

Differentiation of leather, fabric and synthetic interior components
Leather, fabric and plastic interior parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 798

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия между кожаными и пластиковыми компонентами интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо отличить кожаные компоненты интерьера салона автомобиля от пластиковых.

Differentiation of leather and plastic interior components
Leather and synthetic interior parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 796

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение на большом удалении цветового различия резиновых буферов
Необходимо с большого расстояния различить резиновые буферы по цвету.

Color differentiation of rubber buffers from a distance
The color of rubber buffers should be controlled from a distance.
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APP N° 778

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие кожаных компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля от пластиковых
Необходимо отличить кожаные компоненты интерьера салона автомобиля от пластиковых.

Differentiation of leather and synthetic interior components
Leather and plastics interior parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 775

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия серых ковриков
Необходимо отличить одни серые коврики от других.

Grey carpet differentiation
Grey carpets should be differentiated.
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APP N° 769

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль цвета световодов
Необходимо контролировать цвет световодов.

Color control of light pipes
The color of light pipes should be controlled.
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APP N° 760

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия пластиковых и кожаных компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо отличить кожаные компоненты интерьера салона автомобиля от пластиковых.

Differentiation of interior leather and plastic parts
Interior leather and plastic parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 759

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие пластиковых компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля от кожаных
Необходимо отличить кожаные компоненты интерьера салона автомобиля от пластиковых.

Differentiation of leather and synthetic interior components
Leather interior components should be differentiated from synthetic interior components.
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APP N° 758

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия пластиковых компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо отличить пластиковые компоненты салона автомобиля один от другого.

Differentiation of interior plastic components
Interior plastic parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 757

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Измерение числа оборотов роторов турбокомпрессоров
Необходимо контролировать частоту вращения роторов турбокомпрессоров.

Frequency control of turbo charger wheels
The frequency of turbo charger wheels should be controlled.
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APP N° 748

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Разделение пластиковых деталей интерьера салона автомобиля по цвету
Необходимо разделить по цвету пластиковые компоненты интерьера салона автомобиля.

Color differentiation of plastic interior components
Plastic interior parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 747

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие кожаных деталей интерьера салона автомобиля от пластиковых
Необходимо отличить кожаные детали интерьера салона автомобиля от пластиковых.

Differentiation of leather and leather imitation interior components
Leather interior components should be differentiated from plastic interior parts.
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APP N° 735

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Распознавание цветной маркировки на половинах вкладышей подшипников скольжения
Необходимо распознать цветную маркировку на половинах вкладышей подшипников скольжения.

Color mark detection on slide bearings
The color mark on slide bearings should be detected.
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APP N° 734

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие кожаных компонентов интерьера автомобиля от таких же компонентов из ПВХ
Необходимо отличить кожаные компоненты от компонентов из ПВХ.

Differentiation of leather from PVC interior components
Leather interior parts should be differentiated from PVC components.
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APP N° 729

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Счет складок на масляных и воздушных фильтрах
Необходимо распознать складки у масляных и воздушных фильтров.

Counting of folds on oil and air filter mats
Folds of oil and air filter mats should be detected.
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APP N° 721

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие матовых компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля от блестящих
Необходимо отличить матовые компоненты салона автомобиля от блестящих.

Differentiation of shiny and matt automotive interior components
Matt and shiny interior components should be differentiated.

APP N° 709

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различий в цвете лицевой – изнаночной стороны кожаных компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо различить по цвету лицевую и изнаночную сторону кожаных компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля.

Backside–frontside color differentiation of leather interior components
Leather interior components should be color differentiated related to the backside–frontside.
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APP N° 708

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различий цвета лакированных пластиковых компонентов
Лакированные пластикоые детали следует различить по цвету.

Color differentiation of painted plastic components
Lacquered plastic components should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 707

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Различие лакированных пластиковых деталей по цвету
Пластиковые компоненты цвета черный оникс следует отличить по цвету от черных пластиковых деталей.

Color differentiation of lacquered plastic components
Painted onyx-black components should be differentiated from lacquered black components.
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APP N° 703

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль положения и угла распыляемых форсункой стеклоомывателя струй
Необходимо контролировать положение, а также угол наклона струй, выходящих из форсунок стеклоомывателя. Высококачественные форсунки стеклоомывателя способны сегодня распылять две неподвижные, почти параллельные, струи и одну веерную струю. Поэтому дополнительно следует контролировать также угол раствора веерной струи и количество распыляемой жидкости сфокусированных струй.

Position and angle control of washer jets
The position and angle of washer jets should be controlled. High-end washer jets provide normally two near-collimated water jets with a rigid angle and a fan beam with a wide angle. The task of the measuring instrument is furthermore to control the opening angle of the fan beam as well as the amount of water in the near-collimated water jets.
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APP N° 697

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Измерение расстояния на боковых пластиковых стеклах
Необходимо измерить расстояние до боковых пластиковых стекол.

Distance measurement of plastic side windows
The distance to plastic side windows should be measured.
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APP N° 696

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия цвета черных и коричневых пластиковых компонентов интерьера салона автомобиля
Следует отличить коричневые кожзаменители от черных.

Color differentiation of black and brown interieur plastic components
Black and brown interior plastic parts should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 695

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Измерение блеска кожзаменителя для интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо определить блеск кожзаменителей для салона автомобиля.

Gloss measurement of leather imitations
The gloss of leather interior imitations should be measured.
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APP N° 689

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различий цвета лакированных пластиковых элементов для автомобильной промышленности
Необходимо разделить по цвету лакированные пластиковые детали для сферы автомобилестроения.

Color differentiation of plastic automotive components
Lacquered automotive plastic components should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 678

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль лака блестящих накладок в интерьере салона автомобиля
Необходимо контролировать качество лака блестящих накладок в интерьере салона автомобиля.

Lacquer quality control of shiny interior trims
The lacquer quality of shiny interior trims should be controlled.
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APP N° 677

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия цвета блестящих накладок для салона автомобиля
Необходимо различить блестящие накладки для салона автомобиля по цвету. Задачу при этом усложняет диапазон оттенков цвета, включающий в себя темные и светлые тона.

Color differentiation of shiny interior trims
Shiny interior trims should be color differentiated. Here, the challenge is the range of colors, from dark to bright.
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APP N° 676

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия цвета матовых накладок для салона автомобиля
Необходимо различить матовые накладки для салона автомобиля по цвету. Задачу при этом усложняет диапазон оттенков цвета, включающий в себя темные и светлые тона.

Color differentiation of matt interior trims
Matt interior trims should be color differentiated. Here, the challenge is the range of colors, from dark to bright.
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APP N° 675

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия цвета крышек динамиков
Необходимо различить крышки динамиков по цвету.

Color differentiation of loudspeaker covers
Loudspeaker covers should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 671

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение лицевой и изнаночной стороны ковра
Необходимо отличить лицевую сторону ковра от изнаночной.

Backside-, frontside detection of carpets
The backside from a carpet should be differentiated from the frontside.

APP N° 668

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия цветной флуоресценции деталей интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо отличить одни компоненты интерьера салона автомобиля от других благодаря цветной флуоресценции.

Color-fluorescence differentiation of interior automotive components
Interior automotive parts should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 667

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия цвета кожаных деталей интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо различать компоненты интерьера салона автомобиля по цвету.

Color differentiation of leather interior components
Leather interior parts used in the automotive area should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 664

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Определение различия шестерен
Необходимо отличить необработанные химически шестерни от черненых шестерен.

Gear differentiation
Chemically non-treated gears should be distinguished from blackened gears.
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APP N° 661

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Измерение толщины графитовой ткани
Необходимо определить толщину графитовой ткани.

Graphite fabric thickness measurement
The thickness of a graphite fabric should be measured.
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APP N° 660

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Распознавание сварного шва на стальной трубе
Во время поворота необходимо обнаружить сварной шов на стальной гильзе.

Welding line detection on stainless steel tubes
The welding line on stainless-steel tubes should be detected. At this, the stainless-steel tube is rotating.
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APP N° 659

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Обнаружение различных грунтовых покрытий
Необходимо распознать различные, флуоресцирующие грунтовые покрытия. При этом следует учесть, что грунтовые покрытия наносятся на черную поверхность.

Detection of different primers
Different, fluorescent primers should be detected. Here, the primers will be applied on a black surface.
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APP N° 655

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Изменение ширины прозрачного слоя клея на прозрачной, флуресцирующей под воздействием ультрафиолетовых лучей, пластиковой пленке
Необходимо измерить толщину прозрачного слоя клея на прозрачной, флуресцирующей под воздействием ультрафиолетовых лучей, пластиковой пленке.

Thickness control of a transparent adhesive layer on a UV fluorescent transparent plastic film
The thickness of a transparent glue on a transparent but fluorescent plastic film should be measured.
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APP N° 654

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Обнаружение флуоресцирующего слоя на черной коже
Необходимо обнаружить промежуток в флуоресцирующем слое величиной в 5мм на черной кожаной поверхности.

Detection of fluorescent coating on black leather
A gap with a width of 5mm in the fluorescent coating on a black leather surface should be detected.
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APP N° 652

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль наличия полоски клея на пластмассовых деталях
Следует контролировать наличие полоски клея на черной пластмассовой поверхности.

Glue bead presence control on plastic components
The presence of adhesive on black plastic parts should be controlled.
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APP N° 651

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль наличия первичного слоя на пластмассовой поверхности
Необходимо контролировать наличие первичного слоя на пластмассовой детали.

Presence control of a primer layer on a plastic component
A primer layer on a plastic surface should be detected.
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APP N° 649

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль цвета лакированных компонентов автомобиля
Необходимо провести контроль лакированных деталей автомобиля. При этом следует отделить отличающиеся по цвету компоненты от деталей нужного цвета.

Color control of automotive paints
Automotive paints should be color differentiated. At this, the correct parts should be separated from the incorrect parts.
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APP N° 648

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Измерение цвета автомобильного лака
Необходимо проверить, находится ли значение цвета проверяемого автомобильного лака, в отношении соответствующего основного цвета, в пределах диапазона допустимых цветовых отклонений.

Color measurement of car paints
The color of car paints should be measured and controlled whether the respective color is inside a certain dE tolerance to the corresponding reference.

APP N° 644

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Различение элементов интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо различить элементы интерьера салона автомобиля

Differentiation of automotive interior components
Automotive interior components should be differentiated.
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APP N° 642

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль покрытия на стеклянных пластинах
Цвет различных покрытий на стеклянных пластинах должен контролироваться.

Coating control on glass plates
The different coatings on glass plates should be color controlled.
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APP N° 641

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Поточный контроль сварного шва у труб из высококачественной стали
У труб из высококачественной стали необходимо выявить дефекты сварного шва путем поточного контроля. Стальная труба при этом перемещается вдоль сварного шва.

Inline-control of welding line on stainless steel tubes
A welding line should be inline controlled on stainless steel tubes. At this, the tube will be shifted along the welding line.
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APP N° 640

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Обнаружение дефектов сварных швов на трубах из высококачественной стали
Необходимо выявить дефекты сварных швов у труб из высококачественной стали. Стальная труба при этом перемещается вдоль сварного шва.

Welding line control on stainless steel tubes
A welding line should be controlled on stainless steel tubes. At this, the tube will be shifted along the welding line.
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APP N° 639

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Обнаружение сварных швов на трубах из высококачественной стали
Необходимо обнаружить положение сварного шва на трубах из высококачественной стали. Стальная труба при этом может вращаться.

Welding line detection on stainless steel tubes
A welding line should be detected on stainless steel tubes. At this, the tube can be turned.

APP N° 637

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие текстильных элементов интерьера салона автомобиля от элементов из алькантары
Необходимо отличить текстильные элементы интерьера салона автомобиля от элементов из алькантары.

Differentiation of fabric and alcantara interior components
Fabric and alcantara interior components should be differentiated.
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APP N° 636

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Распознавание цвета корпуса зеркал заднего вида
Необходимо контролировать цвет корпуса у зеркал заднего вида.

Color differentiation of rearview mirror housings
Rearview mirror housings should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 627

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Различие в цвете между белыми элементами и элементами цвета белый металлик
Необходимо отличить элементы, окрашенные в белый цвет, от элементов, окрашенных в цвет белый металлик.

Color differentiation between white and metallic white lacquered parts
White painted parts should be differentiated from metallic white lacquered components.
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APP N° 624

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Распознавание цвета элементов интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо различить элементы интерьера салона автомобиля по цвету на большом расстоянии.

Color Differentiation of interior components
Automotive interior components should be color differentiated at a big distance.
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APP N° 621

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие элементов интерьера салона автомобиля, выполненных из дерева, от элементов из карбона
Необходимо отличить элементы интерьера, выполненные из дерева, от элементов из углеволокна.

Differentiation of wooden and carbon based interior components
Wooden and carbon based interior components should be differentiated.
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APP N° 618

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Распознавание цвета шва под пластиковым прозрачным чехлом
Необходимо определить элементы с отличающимся по цвету швом.

Color differentiation of threads through shiny transparent plastic film
Components with different colored threads should be differentiated.
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APP N° 615

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Распознавание цвета элементов интерьера салона автомобиля
Необходимо различить цвет элементов интерьера салона автомобиля.

Color differentiation of interior automotive components
Interior components should be color differentiated.

APP N° 614

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Отличие элементов интерьера салона автомобиля, выполненных из кожи, от элементов из кожзаменителя
Необходимо отличить элементы интерьера салона автомобиля, изготовленные из кожи, от элементов из кожзаменителя.

Differentiation of leather and leather imitation interior parts
Leather interior parts should be differentiated from leather imitation interior components.
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APP N° 613

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Измерение расстояния до тонированного оконного стекла
С помощью системы бесконтактного измерения необходимо определить расстояние до оконных стекол автомобиля. При этом следует учесть, что наличие места на каждую точку измерения ограничено, так как измерение расстояния осуществляется в различных частях стекла одновременно.

Distance measurement to colored car glass
The distance to colored car glass should be measured. It has to be taken into account, that due to the fact, that several measuring points at the glass surface are necessary, the space for the respective measurement device, especially the frontend is limited.
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APP N° 612

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Контроль лакированных элементов относительно их блеска и матовости
Лакированные элементы необходимо проверить на различия в блеске и матовости.

Investigation of lacquered components in regards to gloss and haze
Lacquered components should be controlled in regards to gloss and haze.
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APP N° 608

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of automotive loudspeaker housings
The color of automotive loudspeaker housings should be controlled.
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APP N° 596

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of matt and shiny metal parts
Matt metal components should be differentiated from shiny metal parts.
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APP N° 593

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of automotive interior parts
Automotive components used in the interior field should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 578

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Car finish color control
Car finish colors should be controlled.
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APP N° 565

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic automotive interior components
Automotive interior plastic parts should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 559

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of fluorescent coating
The presence of a fluorescent coating on rubber seal should be controlled.
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APP N° 557

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of black leather, leather imitation and alcantara components
Black leather interior components should be distinguished from black leather imitation as well as alcantara material.
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APP N° 556

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of threads
Different colored threads, used for sewing leather together, should be controlled on sewing machines.
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APP N° 555

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Distance measurement on carbon fiber plates
The distance to carbon fiber plates should be measured.
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APP N° 554

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of shiny plastic parts
Shiny plastic components, used for the interior automotive field, should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 553

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of matt plastic interior components
Matt plastic parts, used for the automotive interior field, should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 552

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of beige interior plastic parts
Beige plastic parts, which are used in the automotive interior field, should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 550

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Distance measurement to black rubber band
The distance to a black rubber band should be measured. It has to be taken into account, that the surface of the rubber band can change from black matt to black shiny.
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APP N° 545

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of the inner surface of plastic tubes
The inner surface of plastic tubes should be controlled.
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APP N° 544

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Lacquered door handle color control
The color of varnished door handles should be controlled.
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APP N° 543

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of painted plastic components
Plastic parts should be color differentiated. For this purpose, a color sensor type SPECTRO-3-100-COF-d6.0-CL is used.
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APP N° 542

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of metalized door handles
Metalized door handles should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 537

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of interior plastic parts
Plastic parts, which are used in the automotive interior field, should be color differentiated
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APP N° 534

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of metal chain links
Metal chain links should be differentiated by thickness. The thickness of the one size is 2.0mm, whereas the other size has a thickness of 2.3mm.
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APP N° 533

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of chatter marks on metal bands
Defects inside bimetallic bands will be marked with chatter marks. These chatter marks should be proper detected during the further processing and the damaged part of the metal stripes should be removed from the finishing later on

APP N° 532

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of automotive interior parts
Interior parts used in the automotive industry should be differentiated
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APP N° 530

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Seam color detection on leather automotive interior components
The color of the seam on leather components should be controlled
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APP N° 528

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of safety seat belts
Seat belts should be color controlled and differentiated.
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APP N° 526

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of leather imitations
Leather imitations in the interior automotive field should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 525

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of loudspeaker grids
The color of loudspeaker grids should be differentiated.
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APP N° 524

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color-gloss differentiation of black interior parts
Black leather imitation components from the automotive interior field should be differentiated from black fabric as well as from black plain plastic parts.
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APP N° 523

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of alcantara and fabric interior components
Different colored alcantara and fabric interior components for the automotive industry should be distinguished.
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APP N° 509

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of flaps in cup holders
Black flaps should be color differentiated from dark brown flaps. During the tests the flaps are already integrated into the cup holder.
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APP N° 508

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Notch presence detection on a shock absorber
A notch on a metal shock absorber should be detected. It has to be taken into account, that the notch is very shiny.
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APP N° 507

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color and structure differentiation of automotive interior components
In practice, a proper color-gloss differentiation between most of the interior components can be realized, however, it has to be taken into account, that the difference in gloss as well as in color between the fabrics and the alcantara components is small, thus the structure difference should be used to differentiate even those products.
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APP N° 506

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of painted plastic components
Painted plastic components used for the interior automotive area should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 501

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of half shells of bush bearings
Half shells of friction-type bearings should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 500

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Primer presence control on a black painted metal frame
The presence of a primer should be detected on a black painted metal frame.
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APP N° 499

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
LED color control on interior components
The color as well as the intensity of LEDs, integrated in interior components, should be controlled. Furthermore, on components without LEDs the presence of a cover plate should be checked.
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APP N° 497

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of metal loudspeaker grids
Two kinds of metal loudspeaker grids should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 484

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Particle size measurement in a spray jet
The size of particles in a spray jet should be measured.
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APP N° 483

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Spray jet control during the movement
The spray jet of a spray nozzle should be controlled during the movement.
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APP N° 479

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of bright seat belt plastic housings
Bright seat belt plastic housings should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 478

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of beige seat belt plastic housings
Beige colored seat belt plastic housings should be differentiated.
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APP N° 477

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of dark seat belt plastic housings
Dark seat belt housings should be differentiated.
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APP N° 476

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic interior components for the automotive industry
Plastic components used for the automotive interior field should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 468

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of lacquered plastic components
Car finish should be color differentiated. A rotation around the perpendicular axis of the plastic components should not influence the result of the color control.
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APP N° 467

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of car door handles
Car door handles should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that the door handles are very shiny.
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APP N° 464

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Spray jet amount control in the Ɛx range
The presence as well as the spray amount of a spray jet in the Ex range should be controlled. It has to be taken into account, that a system based on the transmitted light mode cannot be used for this application.
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APP N° 463

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Oil presence control in metal screw nuts and screws
The presence and amount of oil in a screw nut as well as in a screw should be detected directly before border crimping.
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APP N° 461

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of a red stripe on a fabric
The color of a red stripe on a safety belt should be controlled. At this, the red color should remain in a certain tolerance range.
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APP N° 455

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Seam detection on leather and leather imitations
Beige (black) stitching should be detected on beige (black) leather or leather imitations.
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APP N° 454

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of leather and leather imitations
Leather and leather imitations used in the interior field should be proper differentiated.
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APP N° 432

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of lacquered trims
Trim strips should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that the lacquered trims are very shiny.
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APP N° 429

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of waxed threads
Waxed threads should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that due to the wax coating the surface of the threads is very shiny.
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APP N° 425

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of an oil film on an aluminum surface
The presence of an oil film in aluminum housing should be controlled.
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APP N° 424

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Oil drop presence control on a steel surface
The presence of an oil drop on a steel surface should be controlled.
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APP N° 423

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Double membrane control on breaker plates
The presence of one or two diaphragms in a blow-out disk should be differentiated. At this, different types of burst disks are available (copper and aluminum) with different diaphragms (aluminum membrane or steel membrane).
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APP N° 419

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation Alcantara (Ultrasuede) and fabric interior equipment
Alcantara and fabric interior equipment should be differentiated.
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APP N° 412

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Edge detection at bellows (fold counting)
On bellows the edges should be detected and counted.
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APP N° 411

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of pneumatic cylinders
Pneumatic cylinders should be differentiated. At this, the cylinder can be rotated along its axis.
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APP N° 410

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Frequency control of turbo charger wheels
The frequency of turbo charger wheels should be controlled. At this, one of the blades of the wheel is coated with a fluorescent transparent lacquer.
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APP N° 408

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of black and dark gray leather imitation
Dark gray and black leather imitation should be distinguished.
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APP N° 407

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of plastic residues on the start of metal thread
Plastic residues on the start of metal threads should be detected.
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APP N° 403

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Gap size measurement on an aluminum casting of a turbo charger
The gap size on the aluminum housing of a turbo charger should be measured.
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APP N° 401

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of UV bond on a plastic component
The presence of an UV adhesive layer on the backside of a plastic part should be controlled. A false detection even from the front side of the plastic component must be avoided.
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APP N° 400

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Thickness measurement of a bimetal band
The thickness of a bimetal band should be measured contactless during the movement.
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APP N° 394

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a fluorescent green and orange mark
Orange as well as a green fluorescent marks sprayed on a white fleece should be detected and distinguished.
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APP N° 393

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of a Velcro® strip on rear shelf
The presence of a Velcro® strip on a hat shelf should be controlled.
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APP N° 389

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of handles
Handles in the automotive field should be color controlled.
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APP N° 387

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of leather imitations and fabrics in the interior area
Different dark and light leather imitations and fabrics should be differentiated. The colors of the different dark parts as well as of the light parts are very close, almost the same, but the structure of the respective surface is slightly different.
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APP N° 383

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of ultrasonic sensors at a distance of 100mm
Ultrasonic sensors should be color differentiated at a distance of 100mm. It has to be taken into account, that the surface of the ultrasonic sensor cap is very glossy.
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APP N° 382

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of black and gray velvet at a sensor distance of 100mm
Black and gray interior parts with a velvet casing should be color differentiated at a distance of 100mm.
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APP N° 381

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of lacquered plastic parts at a distance of 100mm
Lacquered plastic parts should be color differentiated. The parts are very glossy and even metallic lacquer should be controlled at a distance of in minimum 100mm.
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APP N° 380

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic parts in the interior field at a distance of 100mm
Plastic interior parts should be color differentiated from a distance of 100mm.
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APP N° 379

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a transparent film on a lacquered surface at a distance of 100mm
A transparent film should be detected on a shiny lacquered surface. It has to be taken into account that the plastic film has a certain polarization effect.
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APP N° 377

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of ultrasonic sensors
Ultrasonic sensors should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that the surface is very glossy.
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APP N° 376

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of interior components with velvet surface
Parts made for the interior field with a black or dark gray velvet surface should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 375

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of lacquered plastic components
Lacquered plastic parts should be differentiated. It should be taken into account, that the surface is very glossy.
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APP N° 374

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic parts in the interior field
Gray plastic parts should be separated from dark gray plastic parts.
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APP N° 373

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of transparent film on lacquered plastic components
A transparent film should be detected on a black as well as white lacquered plastic part. It has to be taken into account, that the white and the black surface are very shiny and the plastic film as well.
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APP N° 372

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Quality control of internal gears
The width of the teeth as well as the gap between the teeth of internal gears should be controlled.
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APP N° 368

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Position detection of lacquered metal sheets
The edge of different lacquered metal sheets should be precisely detected. Furthermore the distance of the painted metal plates should be measured. At this, it has to be taken into account, that a color gamut as well as gray scale range from shiny black to matt white should be covered.
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APP N° 360

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of a blue and a green mark on a gray plastic component
A green as well as a blue mark should be present on a gray plastic component.
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APP N° 357

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of O-rings
O-rings should be color differentiated. It has to be taken into account, that the surface of the O-ring is very glossy.
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APP N° 356

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of metal rods
Metal rods with an even finish should be differentiated from metal rods with a slotted end. Furthermore a metal rod with a black slotted end should be differentiated from a steel colored end.
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APP N° 351

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of seat belt plugs
Seat belt plugs should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 350

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of plastic pins
Plastic pins which are used for seat belts should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 349

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of seat belts
The fabric of the seat belts should be color controlled.
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APP N° 348

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of seat belt rubbers
Seat belt rubbers should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 347

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of seat belt sockets
Seat belt sockets should be color controlled.
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APP N° 343

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a brand name on fog light glasses
A logo should be detected on a fog light glass. It has been shown that the brand name in the glass is acting like an optical component and deflects the laser beam in a different way compared to the normal glass surface.
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APP N° 335

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence detection of felt label on a backlight shelf
The presence of a felt label on a rear window shelf should be checked.
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APP N° 334

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of fabrics and leather imitations
Fabrics as well as leather imitations should be differentiated in the automotive interior field.
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APP N° 331

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of red and white diffuse light on interior components
The diffuse red and white light should be detected on interior components.
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APP N° 322

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a yellow stripe on metal clamps
The presence of a yellow striped on metal clamps should be detected.
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APP N° 318

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of black and gray lacquer coat on metal part
In the Ɛx zone of a spray chamber uncoated metal parts should be differentiated from black and gray metal parts.
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APP N° 316

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of ultrasonic sensor caps from far distance
The color of ultrasonic sensor caps should be controlled from a distance of 450mm.
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APP N° 315

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Adhesive film presence detection on plastic screws
The presence of an adhesive film should be controlled on the thread of plastic screws.
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APP N° 314

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of different colored ultrasonic sensors
Ultrasonic sensors should be color differentiated.
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APP N° 313

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of different colored plastic parts in the interior field
Different colored plastic parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 307

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color Differentiation of leather imitations in the automotive field
Different colored leather imitations should be recognized and differentiated.
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APP N° 298

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of interior components
Six different interior components should be color differentiated. The sensor distance should be around 50mm and the detecting range of the color sensor at this distance should be approximately 20mm in diameter.
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APP N° 297

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic fittings
The color of plastic fittings should be controlled. At this, the high gloss factor of the surface reduces the contrast difference between the three different components.
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APP N° 295

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a fluorescent coating on black rubber seal
The coating on rubber seal should be detected. At this, a fluorescent coating with an excitation wavelength which lies in the UV range (around 365nm … 385nm) is used. This UV light will be converted from the fluorescent coating into the visible blue range.
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APP N° 293

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color and contrast control of a tachometer sheet
The color of a black tachometer sheet should be controlled; the color as well as the grey scale should remain in a certain tolerance range.
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APP N° 292

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of a plastic grid
The presence of a white plastic grid on a black background should be detected.
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APP N° 282

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Counting of stacked metal blanks
The correct number of stacked metal blanks should be controlled.

APP N° 274

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of machining marks on bimetallic strips of slide bearings
Chatter marks on slide bearing stripes should be detected immediately before the grinding process.
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APP N° 269

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of two plastic parts
Two different colored plastic components used in the interior field should be differentiated.
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APP N° 268

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
High speed angle measurement with direction control
The angle position of a very fast rotating shaft should be measured; furthermore the direction of the rotation should be controlled
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APP N° 265

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a red shiny plastic label
The presence of a shiny red plastic label on a black plastic component should be detected.
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APP N° 264

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a red color mark on an aluminum rod
The task is to detect a red color mark on an aluminum rod (the red color mark informs about defect metallurgic domains in the aluminum rod). At this, the red paint which is used for color marking can differ and furthermore it can happen that the color mark is partly scraped. In addition an aluminum surface can be contaminated with rust (comes from a steel band, which is used for fixing the rods in a former process), which drifts also into the red color.
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APP N° 263

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of a black and brown center console
A black and dark brown plastic center console should be differentiated. It has to be into account, that the surface where the color should be controlled is very shiny.
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APP N° 262

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation between a brown and a black cap in a console
A brown plastic cap should be differentiated from a black plastic cap in a console.
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APP N° 256

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Counting of dishes for water cooling systems
The number of dishes in a package should be counted during the movement of the package.
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APP N° 254

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of punch marks in aluminum surface
Punch marks in aluminum surface should be detected.
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APP N° 253

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a stamped blue mark on aluminum housing
A stamped blue mark should be detected on aluminum housing. At this, the degree of strength of the blue lacquer is changing dependent of the moisture content of the color.
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APP N° 251

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic interior parts
Gray, black and brown interior plastic parts should be differentiated. It should be taken into account, that there is just a bit space for the optical fiber head, but not for the whole color sensor.
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APP N° 248

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Attitude control of an asymmetric spiral spring
The attitude of an asymmetric suppressed spring should be controlled.
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APP N° 235

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of spray lacquered plastic parts
Two different colored plastic components should be distinguished.
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APP N° 229

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of color marks on slide bearing shells
Red, green and yellow color marks as well as no color mark on slide bearing shells should be detected and distinguished. It should be taken into account that the color mark should be detected even if it is partially removed.
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APP N° 225

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of three different plastic components in the interior field
Three different colored plastic parts should be differentiated.
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APP N° 220

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Lattice texture presence control on a fleece stripe
The presence of a lattice texture on a fleece stripe should be controlled.
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APP N° 210

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Double sheet control of stamping parts in the automotive industry
During the handling process of stamped metal parts it happens, that instead of one part two or more parts will be sucked up from a robot.
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APP N° 192

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Control of the presence of a fluorescent film on a rubber lip
A rubber lip for car doors is coated with a thin fluorescent film. The presence of this film should be checked during the production.
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APP N° 191

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of ultrasonic sensors
Ultrasonic sensors for the automotive industry should be color differentiated. At this, the shiny surface of the ultrasonic sensors causes normally a high direct reflection.
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APP N° 183

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of front side and back side from a sound damping carpet
The front side should be distinguished from the back side of a sound damping carpet.
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APP N° 179

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of the seam of leather and leather imitation components
The seam of leather and leather imitation components should be detected.
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APP N° 175

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of two different structured plastic moldings
Two different structured plastic components should be distinguished. At this, the background color is exactly the same.
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APP N° 174

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of leather imitations of interior automotive components
Different colored interior components should be distinguished.
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APP N° 172

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Precise counting of folds of aluminum tubes
The folds of aluminum tubes should be counted during a fast movement (a few m/s) of the tubes.
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APP N° 171

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of fabrics in the interior field of the automotive industry
Different fabrics should be distinguished by color control.
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APP N° 169

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of silver colored metal wires
The color as well as the gray scale of a silver colored wire can differ in a coil. To avoid these inhomogenities the wire should be color controlled.
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APP N° 168

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of garnish moldings
Different colored garnish moldings should be distinguished. It has to be taken into account, that the components are very shiny.
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APP N° 167

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of spray marks on the metal surface of water cooler
Defective or damaged water coolers will be marked during the assembling process with a blue spray mark. Intensity and size of the color mark, however, differs extremely.
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APP N° 163

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of a UV fluorescent yellow coating on a rubber seal
A rubber seal is normally coated with a fluorescent layer. This layer is fluorescent in blue if UV light is used. Additionally to this blue fluorescent coating a yellow fluorescent coating is used for marking defect areas on the rubber seal. The task is now to detect the UV fluorescent yellow coating on a rubber seal, which is primary UV blue coated.
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APP N° 159

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of plastic buttons in the automotive interior field
Plastic buttons should be color controlled. It has to be taken into account, that the angle alignment of the plastic buttons is arbitrary during the control process.
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APP N° 157

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of a matt and a glossy chromate knob
A matt chromate knob should be differentiated from a glossy chromate knob.
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APP N° 156

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation between black and dark brown plastic interior components
Two plastic interior parts should be color differentiated. Due to assembly reasons, the backside as well as the front side of the two components should be controlled, respectively.
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APP N° 153

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation between a shaft with and without a tooth system
Two different metal shafts should be differentiated. The one has a flat cylindrical surface whereas the other type comes with a cogwheel.
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APP N° 152

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of fluorescent cured glue on a shaft
On a shaft fluorescent glue is used to seal the intersection between the shaft and a roll.
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APP N° 151

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of leather imitations
Two black leather imitations should be differentiated and the gloss factor should be documented with a gloss measurement device.
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APP N° 142

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Control of the orientation of leather imitation
The orientation of different colored leather imitations should be controlled.
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APP N° 141

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Position monitoring of washers in plastic components
The orientation of washers (backside or front side above) should be checked. To control from the top (perpendicular to the surface) is not possible due to arrangement reasons.
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APP N° 139

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Position control of a silicon cap
The position of a semi transparent silicon cap should be controlled.
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APP N° 137

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Positioning of a rubber seal component
A rubber gasket should be exact positioned.
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APP N° 136

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of an inscription on a rubber seal
On a rubber seal the presence of a yellow inscription should be checked.
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APP N° 135

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of three different colored spiral springs
Three different colored spiral spring types should be differentiated. At the position where it should be controlled the position of the coil spring is accidentally oriented.
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APP N° 134

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Control of the presence of fibers in an aluminum tube
In aluminum tubes with a length of approximately 160mm and an inner diameter of 14mm the presence of fibers should be checked, at which a good tube is a tube without any fibers. The tubes can be positioned and turned 360° around, around both ends of the tube there is space enough for mounting the sensors.
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APP N° 133

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of different components of a gear box
After the assembling of a gear box, the different components must be controlled in relation to the color.
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APP N° 124

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a metal sheet on a stack
Metal plates are removed from a stack with a robot. After the last metal sheet is removed a sensor should inform the robot to avoid that the base plate will be sucked up from the robot too. The base plate can consist of MDF (medium density fiberboard), wood, rubber or even a metal which is different from the metal sheet.
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APP N° 119

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of two colors on a fabric
On a fabric for car seats the two colors must be differentiated.
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APP N° 115

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Quality control of the surface of a cone on a cogwheel
The surface of the cone on a cogwheel should be checked. The surface of a proper cone looks very homogeneous; the surface of a bad cogwheel shows grooves and scratches. For investigations the cogwheel can be turned around its axis. The distance from the sensor to the object should be around 200 mm.
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APP N° 113

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of cogwheels
The task is to differentiate between black coated and non-coated cogwheels. Furthermore the minimum distance from the sensor to the object should be 160mm.
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APP N° 112

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Position control in the Ɛx range
The position of a metal blade should be controlled in the Ɛx range over a measuring range of approx. 6mm.
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APP N° 110

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Spray jet control in the Ɛx range
For the spray jet control in the Ɛx range (zone 0) the most suitable system is a unit which comes without electronically components in the Ɛx zone, but with fiber optics.
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APP N° 105

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Spray jet amount control
The density of the spray jet should be controlled.
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APP N° 99

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color gloss differentiation of door interior components
Different colored interior parts must be differentiated. The color differences between the respective components are relatively small but there is a good difference in the gloss factor due to the different structure of the part.
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APP N° 97

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Presence control of felt textile on dashboard components
On dashboard instruments the presence of felt must be controlled furthermore two felts must be differentiated.
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APP N° 93

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of chrome plated shiny and chrome plated matt components
Chrome plated shiny components must be distinguished from chrome plated matt parts. The size of the objects is equal; there is only 8mm space in height under the object for the sensor front end.
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APP N° 86

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of different colored plastic parts with different number of bars
Plastic parts with four (the bar located in the middle is shorter) and five long bars must be distinguished independent of the color.
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APP N° 85

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of a white tape on a pink airbag textile
The white tape on a pink airbag textile must be detected. Thereby it must be differentiated between the color of the white tape on the one hand and all of the other background colors of the airbag (pink, pink with red thread, blue and white textile) on the other hand.
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APP N° 84

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation between a black and an uncoated metal gear wheel
A black metal gear must be distinguished from an uncoated metal gear. The distance from the sensor to the object should be 160mm and the spot size should be around 3mm in diameter.
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APP N° 83

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of threads on an airbag textile
Different colored threads must be differentiated. At this, the treads can be also bicolored.
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APP N° 82

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color mark detection on a rubber seal
A yellow striped color mark should be detected on a rubber seal.
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APP N° 81

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
V-belt position control
The lateral displacement of a V-belt in a V-belt pulley must be controlled, because it happens that the V-Belt lies not properly in the V-belt pulley.
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APP N° 80

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of interior equipment
In the automotive industry different interior parts (wooden as well as plastic and metal elements) must be differentiated. Some wooden and plastic elements are very glossy whereas other components are diffuse.
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APP N° 74

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Inline gloss measurement of plastic films and laminated plates
During the production of plastic films as well as of laminated plates the gloss factor should be measured.
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APP N° 62

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of tinted glass plates
During the assembling of cars the color of the glasses from the side door must be checked. It is only possible to control from one side and even an additional reflector cannot be used.
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APP N° 53

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color-gloss differentiation of leather and leather imitations in the automotive interior field
In the automotive interior field the different materials looks sometimes very similar. For a proper differentiation of the different products color-gloss detection should be used.
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APP N° 52

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of leather and leather imitations in the automotive interior field
Sometimes a color differentiation between interior materials with exactly the same color and the same gloss factor is not possible, even with the best color sensor. Thus another sensor must close this gap. Indeed the different materials may have the same color and the same gloss, but a different structure as shown in the photos.
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APP N° 42

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of seat-belt buckles
For the seat-belt buckles colors like beige, gray and black preponderates, but there are different tones in the respective colors present.
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APP N° 41

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of control elements in the automotive interior field
During the assembling process of the control elements into the dashboard, into the car side doors or into the headliner the color must be controlled. Mostly for the housing of the control elements the same lacquer will be used as for the bodywork, which means that we have to do with very glossy colors.
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APP N° 40

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic components in the automotive industry
In the automotive industry there will be used a lot of plastic components even in the interior area. These components will be used amongst others for the side doors, the car seats, the rear door, the headliner and the dashboard. The colors of these plastic parts are more or less either gray or beige or black.
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APP N° 39

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of the presence of an airbag label
On different positions in a car there are placed airbag warning notices. These labels are fluorescent in the green color range. The background, where the labels are placed, however, is slightly fluorescent in the blue color range.
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APP N° 38

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color gloss differentiation of leather and leather imitations in the automotive industry
In the automotive interior field components made of leather as well as of leather imitations are available. To avoid, that the wrong parts will be mounted a quality check with a color gloss sensor must be done.
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APP N° 37

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of car door handles
During the assembling of the car doors amongst others the car door handles must be color controlled to avoid that a wrong colored part will be mounted.
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APP N° 36

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of leather imitations and textiles in the automotive interior field
Different leather imitations and textiles which are used especially for car doors, car seats and headliners must be controlled to avoid failures during the assembling.
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APP N° 35

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of carpets in the automotive industry (interior equipment)
During the assembling of carpets into the interior equipment the color of the carpet must be controlled. In practice the gray, beige and black color tones of the carpets preponderates.
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APP N° 34

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of leather and leather imitation (interior equipment)
Leather and leather imitations are used for the interior equipment in the automotive industry.
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APP N° 33

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Determination of the number of airbag webs
The number of airbag webs should be detected on a reference background.
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APP N° 32

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Differentiation of the coated surface from the uncoated surface of an airbag textile
During the manufacturing of airbags the coated side of an airbag textile must be detected. There is just a very small difference in color and gloss between the coated and uncoated side of the airbag textile.
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APP N° 31

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic parts in the automotive interior field
Different colored plastic components which are used in the automotive interior field should be distinguished.
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APP N° 30

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Automotive color lacquer control
In the automotive industry lacquered components must be controlled to avoid wrong delivery to the car manufacturers. Components like bumpers, rearview mirror housings, ultrasonic sensors, fuel tank caps, car door handles, car doors and front lids are painted with a glossy lacquer and some colors lies close together.
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APP N° 13

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Surface control of a piston rod: Steel surface or chrome-plated
A piston rod must be controlled whether it is chrome-plated or not.
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APP N° 12

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Detection of two different colored threads on interior parts
The task is to distinguish properly between the two different colored threads (beige and gray).
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APP N° 10

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of two different seams on two different leather imitations
The task is to detect, whether the seam is present on the leather imitation or not. There are two different colored leather imitations, beige and gray and respectively a beige thread as well as a gray thread.
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APP N° 8

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Color control of ultrasonic sensor caps in the automotive industry during the integration process
During the assembling of the ultrasonic sensors into the bumpers the color of the ultrasonic sensor caps must be controlled.
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APP N° 1

Automotive Industry (Automobilindustrie) 
Quality control during the airbag manufacturing in the automotive industry
1. Surface control of the airbag textile coated / uncoated:
One side of the airbag textile is coated, whereas the other side is uncoated. The task is to check, whether the top side is coated.
2. Check of the presence of the plastic foil interlining in the airbag textile:
The presence of a plastic foil interlining should be checked through a cut-out of the airbag textile.


Participação em exposições:

 •   IFAT Munich 2024
 •   SPS Italia 2024
 •   FIP 2024
 •   PRS Europe 2024
 •   SKZ Innovation Day Recycling
 •   SKZ Network Day
 •   SKZ Technology Day
 •   PRS Middle East & Africa 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
Europe 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Comunicados de imprensa:

Calibração de cores em linha em reciclados de plástico
(Sistemas de medição de cores em linha)

Test report on Inline color measurement of recyclates ()
(Sistema de medição de cores em linha)


Livros brancos:

Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()


Novos aplicações:

Detecção de mossas e amolgadelas em fitas de punção metálicas
(N° 801)

Distinção de componentes interiores de couro e plástico
(N° 802)
Medição de cor das tampas plásticas
(N° 803)


... tensão superficial?
... evaporação de óleo?
... a medição da espessura da
    camada de óleo?


Novo software:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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