Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
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Articles spécialisés

22.04.2024 Plastics Insights 3/2024
Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics
22.08.2022 Kunststoffe international 6/2022
Luminous Markers instead of Holy Grail
Improved Sorting of Plastic Waste with Luminescent Pigments
26.07.2022 Kunststoffe international 5/2022:
The Color Loop
Ensuring Color Consistency of Recycled Materials


22.04.2024 Plastics Insights 3/2024 (p. 56-59)

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recyled Plastics

Contaminants in recyclates can cause damage to injection molding machines and extruders. And they can also give rise to flaws in the manufactured products. This can be avoided by checking the quality of the recyclates directly during processing. A method adopted from the field of colorimetry for use in the NIR range is ideal for this purpose. (read more)

Testing Recyclates directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion (
Plastics Insights - ePaper
Special Reprint (pdf)



22.08.2022 Kunststoffe international 6/2022 (p. 39-43)

Luminous Markers instead of Holy Grail
Improved Sorting of Plastic Waste with Luminescent Pigments

The HolyGrail 2.0 Initiative aims to improve the sorting of plastic waste. Fur this purpose, digital watermarks containing information on packaging type, material, and usage will be applied on products. However, the method also has certain drawbacks. Here, luminescent pigments provide an alternative that is permanent and can withstand several processing cycles. (read more)

Luminous Markers instead of Holy Grail (
Special Reprint (pdf)


26.07.2022 Kunststoffe international 5/2022 (p. 50-51)

The Color Loop
Ensuring Color Consistency of Recycled Materials

The mass of recyclable plastic waste has been growing steadily for years. This is mainly the result of technical advances made in both processing and sorting. At the same time, the recycling targets set by the EU are piling more and more pressure on companies to increase the amount of recycled plastics in their products. This in turn is raising the requirements imposed on the recycled materials themselves. Aside from the nature of the polymer and the previous application, the color of the recycled material is important. (read more)

The Color Loop (
Special Reprint (pdf)




Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à notre nouveau partenaire de distribution pour les États-Unis :


Participation au salons :

 •   PRS Middle East & Africa 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
Europe 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Communiqués de presse :

Déterminer l'épaisseur des couches aussi bien sur les films qu’entre les films plastiques
(Mesure par transmission MIR)

Contrôle du jet de pulvérisation en mode reflex
(Mesure des quantités de pulvérisation les plus faibles en zone Ex)

Vidéo :

Systèmes de capteurs pour l'industrie du recyclage du plastique
Mesure de la couleur des produits recyclés



Article spécialisé :

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024



Livres blancs :

Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()


Nouvelles applications :

Détection de creux et de bosses sur des bandes métalliques estampées
(N° 801)
Distinction de composants d’habitacle en cuir, en textile et en plastique
(N° 802)
Mesure de la couleur de couvercles en plastique
(N° 803)

GLOSSAIRE: Qu’est-ce que ...
... la tension superficielle ?
... l’évaporation de l’huile ?
... la mesure de l’épaisseur d’une
    couche d’huile ?


Nouveautés logiciels:
SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.8 (2021.10.20)



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