Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Press Releases Sensor Instruments

 22 March 2019
  Choose the Right Side

95% of all the industrially produced flat glass today is made using the float glass process. In this process, molten glass is continuously fed into a bath of molten tin. Due to its lower specific weight the molten glass floats on the smooth tin surface, and on a long tin bath forms a uniformly thick and extremely smooth film. The glass side that faces the molten tin is slightly contaminated with tin, which has corresponding effects on subsequent float glass processing steps such as coating of the glass surface.
For the further processing of float glass it is therefore important that the surface that is contaminated by the tin bath can be distinguished from the so-called fire side (fire polishing, during float glass production the glass side facing away from the molten tin is heated)..
► Press release

    Contrast sensor

20 February 2019
  Problems With Folds?

In the production of oil and air filters for the automobile industry these filters must reach the required throughput rate, which is achieved by folding the filter material so that it provides a large filter surface on a minimum of space. Depending on the filter type there are differences in the fold depth and in the numbers of folds.
► Press release
      Laser edge detector 

7 February 2019
  Welding Seam Detection With Edge Detectors

For the detection of welding seams, contrast or color sensors would seem to be the proper solution, because in most cases the welding seam optically shows a clear difference from the surrounding product surface. In everyday practice, however, it turns out that these methods involve frequent readjustment and reparameterisation.
► Press release 
      Laser edge detector 

4 February 2019

  Connected to the Future!

Up to now it may have been sufficient for a sensor manufacturer to provide systems with digital outputs, a 0V to +10V analog voltage output, and a 4mA to 20mA analog current output. In the foreseeable future, however, communication between sensors and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) primarily will be performed in digital serial form with a correspondingly high data rate. The future belongs to the so-called Industrial Ethernet.
► Press release 
      RS232-to-PROFINET® converter and 
    RS232-to-EtherCAT® converter   

21 January 2019
  Detection of Transparent Edges

Conventional detectors particularly reach their limits when they have to detect and count stacked transparent objects such as plastic drinking cups of plastic caps. Especially in the process of packaging, however, it is of great importance to place the exact number of objects in a packaging unit. Such problems now can be solved with the RED series (a RED-110-L was used for this application).
► Press release 
      Laser edge detector 

26 November 2018
  A Hazy Problem?

At first everything seemed to be quite clear, just another measurement task that we surely would manage without any problems with one of our GLOSS series sensors. According to the descriptions provided by the customer it seemed to be gloss grade measuring task, and at the beginning the only question seemed to be at which angle measurement should be performed: 20°, 60° or 85° from the vertical?
► Press release 

     Gloss sensor 

19 November 2018

  Perfect Copy Counting

When cartons, magazines, or single sheets are packed, it must be ensured that each package has the correct number of items. In most cases such material is transported in shingled form before, as with magazines, newspapers or advertising prints, it is packed by means of a compensating stacker. Depending on the thickness of the individual copies and on their transport speed (up to 10m/s) the shingled stream may have differing heights in this process. 

► Press release
     Laser edge detector

19 November 2018

  Clear Strategy or Plain Guessing?

In the last years the spray nozzles at windscreens have seen quite some development. The jet now comes as a fan jet or spot jet. A homogeneous spray mist application onto the intended angle range is now accurately guaranteed with fan jets, as is the point-shaped jet application on the front cameras by means of exactly directed and hardly diverging spot jets.

► Press release 
     Laser line through-beam sensor

9 November 2018

  INLINE Color Measurement of Paint Through a 15mm Thick Inspection Glass

Usually the color checking of color paint during production primarily is done in a laboratory. A paint sample is taken, and the color of this sample is then checked by way of a thin paint layer in dry condition. This process of course takes some time, time in which paint production might run out of the permissible tolerances and thus might require time-consuming and expensive follow-up treatment.

► Press release
     Color measurement sensor

22 October 2018

  Accurate High-Speed Counting of Stacked Plastic Caps

Especially the counting of transparent, stacked plastic caps, as they for example frequently are used in the packing industry, usually is a highly problematic application because on the one hand the edges of individual caps are not always exactly aligned, and on the other hand copy counters that work with the reflected-light principle do not provide a reliable counting result especially with transparent objects. 

► Press release
     Laser through-beam sensor
A-LAS-N-F16-9.5x0.8-150/80-C-2m with
   electronic control unit SPECTRO-1-CONLAS


Participation at trade fairs:

 •   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Press releases:

in search of the hidden
(Marker-based sorting with TAGTEC technology)

Differentiation of recyclate types using NIR during the recycling process
(Plastic type differentiation of recyclates using NIR)

Clarity in Darkness - detect in Carbon Black
(Differentiation of Carbon Black recyclate material using MIR)

Color measurement of recyclates in the recycling process
(Color differentiation of recyclates)



  Sensor systems for the plastics recycling industry
Color measurement of recyclates



Specialists article:

  Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics
Plastics Insights 3/2024




Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology



Detection of dents and bumps on metal punching strips
(N° 801)
Differentiation of leather, fabric and synthetic interior components
(N° 802)
Plastic cap color measurement
(N° 803)


... surface tension?
... oil evaporation?
... oil layer thickness


Software news:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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