Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Exemplos prácticos de uso industrial

1) Selecione uma área de aplicação:
    Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie)

2) Selecione um idioma:

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APP N° 794

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Presence control of a very thin oil layer
The presence of a very thin oil layer (< 1µm) should be controlled.
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APP N° 711

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Color checking of the paintwork through sight glasses
The color of liquid lacquers should be controlled in using sight glasses. It should be taken into account, that the sight glasses have a reflecting surface.
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APP N° 673

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Spray jet control with a laser through beam system
The amount of liquid and the geometry of a spray jet next to the spray nozzle should be controlled.

APP N° 626

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Intensity control of fluorescent additives in oil-soaked paper
The intensity of fluorescent additives in oil-soaked paper should be controlled.
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APP N° 598

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Color control of flames
The color of a flame should be controlled.
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APP N° 517

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Concentration control of a passivator in a solvent
The amount of a passivator in a solvent should be controlled.
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APP N° 459

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Plastic ring bottom side – upper side differentiation
Plastic rings which are transported on a conveyor belt should be differentiated with a view to the direction (bottom side – upper side).
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APP N° 458

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Cut off point detection on a fleece tape
The cut off line on a fleece tape should be detected. It should be taken into account, that the fleece tape as well as the cut off line is white in color, thus, there is no color difference.
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APP N° 457

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Position detection of a silicon layer on a transparent plastic film
The position of a silicon layer on a transparent plastic film should be detected (frontside / backside differentiation).
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APP N° 213

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Detection of the presence of foam on a liquid
The presence of the foam on a liquid should be detected. Furthermore the liquid level (+ foam, if present) should be measured simultaneously.
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APP N° 195

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Color differentiation of fluorescent oil
Different oil types which are used for engines should be differentiated. At this, the natural effect of UV fluorescence of mineral oil is used. Furthermore fluorescent liquid will be added to some of the mineral oils, which allows a differentiation of the adequate types.
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APP N° 126

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Color control of lacquers
The lacquer should be inline controlled. At this a special casing is used which will be plunged into the lacquer.
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APP N° 111

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Drop control with a laser through beam system
The number as well as the volume of drops should be controlled.
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APP N° 55

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Color control of an emulsion
The color of the emulsion which should be controlled is normally white but it can happen that the color is drifting slightly into the red or the green range. This drift must be controlled.
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APP N° 23

Chemical Industry (Chemische Industrie) 
Kontrola barve tekočin
Kontrola tekočin npr. vode med proizvodnjo oz. procesiranjem le-te je nujno potrebna, ker lahko pride vsled onesnaženja do spremembe barve le-te, npr. rahlo modrikasta je lahko posledica onesznaženja (polucije) ali nežno bež barva je lahko posledica prosotnosti olja itd. V obeh primerih je potrebna kontrola barve vode, ki mora biti brezbarvna in prosojna.

Colored liquid control
During a water cycle process the quality of the water must be controlled. It can happen that the water becomes slightly blue (pollution) or beige (oily) in color. Both case must be detected, the water must be clean.


Damos as boas-vindas ao nosso novo parceiro de vendas para os Estados Unidos da América:


Participação em exposições:

 •   PRS Middle East & Africa 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
Europe 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Comunicados de imprensa:

Determinação de espessuras de camadas entre e sobre filmes plásticos
(Medição de luz transmitida MIR)

Controle de jato de pulverização no modo de luz refletida
(Medição de quantidades de pulverização muito baixas em zonas potencialmente explosivas)



Sistemas de sensores para a indústria de reciclagem de plástico
Medição de cor de reciclados



Artigo especializado:

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024


Livros brancos:

Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()


Novos aplicações:

Detecção de mossas e amolgadelas em fitas de punção metálicas
(N° 801)

Distinção de componentes interiores de couro e plástico
(N° 802)
Medição de cor das tampas plásticas
(N° 803)


... tensão superficial?
... evaporação de óleo?
... a medição da espessura da
    camada de óleo?


Novo software:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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